
You know dear,

the journey home is never too long

Your heart arrives before the train
The journey home is never too long
Some yesterdays always remain

I'm going back to where my heart was light
When my pillow was a ship, I sailed through the night

The journey home is never too long
When open arms are waiting there
The journey home is never too long
There's room to love and room to spare

I want to feel the way that I did then
And think my wishes through before I wish again 

Not every road you come across is one you have to take
Now sometimes standing still can be the best move you ever make 

{ Sarah Brightman } 


Konfidential Kommand

If it's worth it


{ silence isn't always gold }
{ sometimes it is plain yellow }
Now that I've got haters and exes,
 I can't afford to look ugly


when he was your man

now your ex

Stop Whining 
there is no such thing as greener grass
you just need to get a new glasses 

I looove my grass
this is my limit

this is my bulliers'

Stars shine when it's most dark.
Be like that,
shine when they think you can't
shine even if you're the loneliest star in the sky

Wisdom #10: Trustworthy People (10 Things)

  • 1. Because trust is based on truth, trustworthy people must be truthful.
Trustworthy people know that it's not enough to possess a truth; the truth must possess them. What is a common result when we learn that someone has lied to us? Whatever he or she says after that may be suspected of being false, however true it may be. Likewise, lies defended as white cannot always be easily dismissed. What we perceive as harmless or even beneficial may not be so in the eyes of the deceived.
  • 2. Trustworthy people are honest.
They match their words and feelings with their thoughts and actions. They do not think one thing and speak another. When we bad mouth people behind their back and sweet-talk them to their face, we undermine trust. Trustworthy people do not take what belongs to others, whether it is ideas, statements, credit or possessions, without their permission. They share successes by giving credit where credit is due. In addition to being honest themselves, trustworthy people strive to keep their associates honest by communication and constructive dialogue.
  • 3. Trustworthy people are reliable; they keep their promises.
Their "yes" means yes, and their "no" means no. They honor their commitments. This includes keeping appointments, whether they are with clients, colleagues, sales personnel or family members. Few things inspire trust in another sooner than punctuality. You might as well steal another's money as their time. 
If a coin has two faces, then you're a rubix cube

Wisdom #9: Trust

Dumb & dumbers trust people more than they trust themselves.

Have you ever had a friend who is only there when you're happy? When things are good? When you can give everything she wants?

Or maybe you dated someone like that, you gave your heart, you shared everything: even your deepest secrets.

And they hurt you. They really hurt you.

But you gave them another chance, because you believe them.

And they hurt you. They really hurt you.

But you gave them another chance, because you believe them.

Well, basically the cycle goes ...

Wisdom #8: People

are like rocks. I think I read about it once.

Some you shouldn't grab. Some you shouldn't hold.

But some are like diamonds, you need to give them a little help, a little love, a little moment, so they can turn out beautiful for you :)


It's okay to change your mind
and change it again

it is not set in stone.

Maybe you're two, twenty, or two hundred years old when you're reading this. I don't care. You have a young soul, a free-spirited young soul. Today, nothing is impossible :)

Winter Light

Hearts call
Hearts fall
Swallowed in the rain

Who knows
Life grows
Hollow and so vain

Wandering in the winter light


Should We Make Her Agent of The Month? :p *Just Saying*

Just Snatched It From One of The Agents


what you think,
what you say,
what  you do,
are in HARMONY.

I forgot who said that, but this should do it for the backstabbers :p
Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
just because something isn't happening for you right now
doesn't mean that it will never happen.
The sun is up,
 the sky is blue
They're beautiful,
and so are you.

Wisdom #7: Roads

For me, life is a road. It is a journey one has to take, even if he tries not to, the universe will set him up for an adventure.

Adventure. I love how the word sounds.

But there is more than just an adventure when it comes to life. You have responsibilities, that's for sure. You have plans, and dreams, and expectations.

And sometimes you find yourself standing at a crossroad, battling with your own mind. Where to go? This way, or that way? Sometimes, you wish someone can take your rights to choose and choose the right road for you. I know I did :p

But that is not the point. It is the experience, that little feeling you have when you said to yourself, "Let's go that way." and proving your guess. Is it a right or a wrong road you just chose?

And do you know the most interesting part about all of this?

Sometimes you have to take your wrong road first, because that is the one that leads you to

the right road


Yes, I Do

  1. Love to sing myself to sleep
  2. Read philosophy book for fun
  3. Hate to sit around only to talk people behind their backs
  4. Sleep early and wake up late
  5. Eat twice as much as you think I do
  6. Have some really private stuff, just like you
  7. Enjoy solitary activities
  8. Need a silent week after one night party
  9. Chew basil and I love it
  10. Watch Big Bang Theory and understand at least half of what they're saying

And I don't want to change
Because somewhere out there, just under that bright star,
someone is wishing from his heart
that he'll meet a girl

just like me. 


Wisdom #6: Love Life

I hope when you're reading this you would answer, "I already am!" If that's true, then I'm so happy for you! :)
While me, well, I'm still trying :p Sometimes it's a piece of cake, but there are some days when I just hope I can get back to bed and sleep for a year :(

The most common reason in my case is when I put too much pressure on myself. This can be anything, from waking up earlier to taking more classes just to prove to nobody that I can do it. And the activity usually tires me, that way I get cranky, and well, I usually ended up lower from where I started.

Pushing yourself to try a liiiiiittle bit harder can look so powerful sometimes, but when you keep doing it, it means that you're not giving your body and mental a rest that they really need. And it's not good.

It makes you forget your main point and kind of blurs almost everything from the long-term picture.

So, what I learned from this mistake of mine, is when you're literally crying for a break, just give yourself that break. Have some fun, do crazy things, be young, be merry. Even if you're six or ninety.

Because at the end, what you're chasing after, that thing you would give everything to have, can only be found in the street where it lives, and it's the Happiness Street :)

he's running as fast as he can

now just wait in your tower, pretty princess :)

Don't come crawling back to me when you get treated the exact same way you treated me.

Sometimes people who's always been there for anyone else needs to be there for themselves.

Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

I want to grow old with you

I didn't cry for you
I cried for the person I used to know
I want you to be happy, but I want to be the reason

Wisdom #5: Don't Play With Hearts

I've met a lot of different people with common words, "What can you say, I'm just a kid, it's okay to be immature, it's okay to act a little selfish. it's okay not to be caring and hurting people's feeling and stuff, I'm just a kid, you know?"

And later on, it will start to sound like this: "What can you say, I'm just a human, it's okay to be immature, it's okay to act a little selfish. it's okay not to be caring and hurting people's feeling and stuff, I'm just a human, you know?"

Please don't be that human.

I don't even know what creature that is, I don't even want to be near them. They're mean, they're cruel, and even though they're not doing it physically, you can still say that they're hostile. 

They came to your life, entered your heart, ruined everything and went without wanting to know how you would feel about that. They never give you a chance to speak for your own heart because they know that you will be speechless when you're looking into their eyes and they use it against you all the time. Horrible, right?

No matter how deep people cut your heart, no matter how many things you've been through in life, there is no such reason in this whole wide world for you to become a monster. You deserve a second chance. Everybody does.

And you're not doing this for anybody else, this is for you.

Because you play with hearts, but when the time comes and you finally realize that you want to get serious, that one heart plays with you. 

With love, the one that got away

Whisper a wish to a butterfly and it will fly up to heaven and make it comes true
you think this is perfect? 



Wisdom #4: If Anyone Labels You, Say:

"You know my name. Not me."

When it gets noisy,

I take my ears; put it in my pocket
and listen to my heartbeat

Wisdom #3: Good Friends

Good books, like good friends, are few and well-chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable

Happy ones don't have many acquaintances, they have few good friends.
Acquaintances, like their name, don't really stick with you and can be easily altered from your side to your enemy's because they don't have that certain bond with you. 

And what is a good friend, really?
  • someone who will support you no matter what
  • someone you can trust and who won't judge you
  • someone who won't put you down or deliberately hurt your feelings, but will show kindness and respect
  • someone who will love you not because they feel they have to because you're their friend, but because they choose to
  • someone whose company you enjoy and whose loyalty you can depend upon
  • someone who will be there no matter what your situation is
  • someone who is trustworthy and not afraid to tell you the truth, no matter how hard it is sometimes
  • someone who can laugh when you laugh
  • someone who will stick around when things get rough
  • someone who makes you smile
  • someone who can accept you for who you are, and just lend you an ear when you need to whine or complain
  • someone who will cry when you cry
  • someone who will give you room to change.

Hope you'll get yours. Soon. :)


Wisdom #2: Compliment vs Happiness

Your happiness comes more important than compliments

The most common mistakes: you stop eating so people can say "You look so thin.", you give up your Saturday night pondering with damn books you don't even want to read so your parents can talk about your score with someone's parents, you change your clothes, you dye your hair, you talk and laugh and cry the way people wanted you to. And everytime you did all of those things, you get a pat in the head, a high-five, or just some random friendly act to show you that they compliment your effort.

You're practically spending your life to chase people's compliments, that way you can feel happy about yourself.

But do you? Do you really feel happy?


Because the people you secretly look up to, the one who makes your day, the one who decides when and why can you feel happy, cannot even remember what are the exact words they told you just 2 seconds ago. And the worst part is, they don't even care.

So just be happy. There is no trigger, there is no sign for that.

You're just happy. Simply happy.